【Written by Daniel Feldman】

Remote, mysteriously alive.
Besieged by the distant thunder 
and the close rain dripping onto the forest’s surface,
I struggle to make my way back to safe haven

And all of a sudden
I hear a swish, 
out of the cavity
between two adjacent trees.
Something must have flown into the forest’s inner chamber

This is a rare occurrence.
Usually, I always see
colonies of insects retiring to their holes, 
does and stags grazing grass
but never something so fleeting,
transcending the banality of nature

I gave it a name,         

My eyes pursue this tricky target.
Trying to locate the sole Phoenix,
whishing and swishing from branch to branch
to no avail.

And so, I go.
trekking through the heart of the forest 
exposed to all its elements,
like the wind
piercing the open spaces,
Angling the rain straight into my face;
Blinding me whole.

Blocked by the rain and prejudiced by the heart,
chasing the abstract, following the feeling,

I continue to seek the flying phoenix dart,
whether it may be real, or just a part of me.

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