【by Rebecca Arabian】
i’ve been spiraling again i study
the bumps of the plaster on my walls
and i feel like scooping out my brain
with a melon baller nobody
can understand why you
claimed to have corrupted me it tore
at my ego to be seen as a broken
doll or a worn penny over
the winter i heard someone call
you kind two months before, you had
made me into a fool the world tells me
every day men are bad but i still needed
to find that out myself you saw me
one day and decided to replace the shame
weighing on my chest with your own
body once, i saw myself
in the mirror my face all
swollen and bulbous not
a corrupted monster or girl but
still something beastly in the winter
i heard of your kindness and felt that every
one of those voices in the world
was calling me
stupid crazy bitch
because you were kind once
and then the kindness for me
drained out of you like a poison