【by Maria Korman】
I had the good idea
To shave off all my hair.
‘Twas the middle of the winter
And my scalp was oh-so-bare!
I think you aimed to spite me,
For you hate to knit, or bake —
But you grabbed your knitting needles
And you began to make
A warm and fuzzy covering
For craniums so small
With fluffy, startling feathering
All over them. The gall!
To craft this thing of beauty
And not gift it to me,
I must say that’s quite rude
You did ignore my plea.
My scalp was cold and shivering,
My head was newly bald —
Despite this bad predicament
You did not care at all.
A smirk upon your face
You crammed it on your head,
And resplendent with your feathers,
You took your leave to bed.