【by Reese San Diego】
be soft / be kind / be brave
/ however you want to pronounce it / tell people
your secrets / open like a flower
/ like a blind / let people in
let people see inside / let in
light / listen to other people
’s secrets but / keep
those for yourself / think
about people / think
about yourself / kindly / hold
the door / hold
on to good things / take long walks / walk
people home / walk
people to their car / walk
if you can’t run anymore / walk
your dog / let them stop
to smell grass and rustle leaves / listen
to them / when they’re telling you to / slow down
/ wait
for people while they tie their shoes / wait
till everyone gets their food / wait
patiently / it will happen
one of these days / in the meantime / create
things / they don’t have to be beautiful / just make
something / make
cakes / make
friends / hum tunes / pluck strings / move
your hands / move
people / move
your feet / make
plans / make
memories / make time
for people / make time
at the seams.