UPDATE: The publication for the 2024 Fall semester is no longer accepting submissions at this time. Thank you to all that contributed to this semester’s edition 🙂
Students of Trinity College, if you are interested in submitting work to be considered for the Fall 2024 Publication, please send your submissions (as a Word Document) to:
Submissions for the Fall 2024 semester close October 27th
Rules for Submissions:
In the email, please include your:
- Name
- Submission category
- Class year
- Major/possible major
- Please format the name of your docx as: “LASTNAME_TITLE_CATEGORY” (e.g. “Johnson_TheAppleOrchard_LongPoetry”).
- For the editors’ convenience please have your document’s font size set to 12 points, in Times New Roman (Courier Prime if submitting a screenplay), and with 1.15 spacing.
- If you are submitting multiple pieces of poetry (even if it’s within one category), please submit them as separate files in your email.
For example:
- if you are submitting 4 short poems, please submit them as four different files, but all in one email.
- Johnson_Fall_ShortPoetry
- Johnson_Winter_ShortPoetry
- Johnson_Spring_ShortPoetry
- Johnson_Summer_ShortPoetry
- If you are submitting 2 long poems, please submit them as two different files all in one email (though they can only be a total of four pages).
- Johnson_Winter_LongPoetry
- Johnson_Summer_LongPoetry
Please do not put your name anywhere on the submission other than the file name
You can only submit once per category, but you may submit to any number of categories.
Submission Categories
6,000-word maximum
20-page maximum
6,000-word maximum
6,000-word maximum
SHORT POETRY (half a page or less)
4 poems maximum
LONG POETRY (longer than half a page)
4 pages maximum (any number of poems)