【by Sydney Smith】 They call him by his last name, never his first, though he always insists, it just seems too intimate. His skin is …
A Manifesto to Add to Your Required Reading List
【by Paulina Campanella】 In Latin, manifestus means “obvious” and manifestare means “to make public.” In this manifesto, I would like to make public the obvious—or …
Hadrian’s Pantheon – A Symbol of Power and a Vessel for Change
【by Maria Korman】 During the second century AD, Rome was at its zenith. This was a golden age, a time of thriving Roman art, government, …
Son of Man Coming on Clouds
【by Angelica Gajewski】 CHARACTERS Tyler Adair Chester Adair Harvey Elmsong Secretary Quinta (no lines) Bug (no lines) NOTES Concerning audience stage direction: Stage direction referring …
On the day
【by Pari Chouhan】 On the day that I entered my college dorm for the first time, the air hung thick with the warmth of a …
【by Grace Fangmann】 LITANY FROM A DAUGHTER Our Lady, Most Holy, most Righteous, most Pure, keep me in your heart, I pray. Bless me with …
The was, is, and will be of Hartford
【by Lily McMahon】 The was, is, and will be of Hartford. It is Hartford seen in a purple light. / A moment ago, light masculine, …
Decent Young Men
【by Birdie Stark】 I had never met anyone like Riggs Navarro, and I figured I never would again. In the way that adolescent boys do, …
Coolest Place in the World
【by Chapman Jones】 Troy and I are at a party, and it’s the first week of summer. Troy is talking to Rachel and Immanuel, and …
An Elegy For Our Brothers
【by Talia Cutler】 You went missing when the street was still hot. You went missing when the days were getting longer and people had just …